Recreation and Park District
Lake Cuyamaca Spring Photo Contest
Entry and Release Form
Click here for photo contest guidelines and information.
How to Enter:
1) Submit photos by email to info@lakecuyamaca.org
Include in the email the name of photographer, and the names of any identifiable people in the photo. Photos must be submitted by 11:59 PM, May 31, 2023.
2) Read all terms and conditions below.
3) For each photo entered, submit a completed Photo Contest Entry Form below.
4) A Photo Release Form must be submitted for every identifiable person in your photo(s).
Photo Contest Entry Form Terms and Conditions
If photographer is under the age of 18, the Photo Contest Entry Form must be submitted the by parent or guardian.
Photo Rights and Conditions of Submittal - Photos submitted become the property of Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District. Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District has the right to use submitted photos for it's social media and public relations use, including, but not limited to: display of the original or copies of a photo at exhibit events, websites, social media and reproduction of copies on all types of promotional items, such as postcards, bookmarks, flyers, etc.
By submitting this Photo Contest Entry Form you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
You are affirming that you took the photo, have full rights to it, and acknowledge that once your entry form has been submitted, the photo becomes the sole property of Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District.
You affirm that any identifiable person(s) appearing in your photo(s) have given their permission to be included, and that they have submitted a Photo Release Form.
You agree to hold Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District harmless in case of any dispute over the photo submitted.
Photo Release Form Terms and Conditions
Any photo and the likeness and image of person(s) therein become the property of Lake Cuyamaca recreation and Park District. Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District has the right to use any photo display of the original or copies of a photo at exhibit events, websites, social media and reproduction of copies on all types of promotional items, such as postcards, bookmarks, flyers, etc.
By submitting this Photo Release Form, you do hereby release and transfer ownership of all rights to your image and likeness in the photo submitted to Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District for purposes of exhibition, public display, or any other method of promoting Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District and it's mission.
If you are the parent or guardian of a minor person appearing in the photo, you do hereby acknowledge that you possess legal authority to, and willingly do, release and transfer ownership of all rights to your child's/charges image and likeness for the purposes stated above. You (photographer, model, or parent/guardian) agree to hold Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District harmless in case of dispute over the photograph(s) and your or your child's/charge's image or likeness taken at Lake Cuyamaca on the date indicated on your form.