Lake Cuyamaca
Recreation and Park District
2023 Lake Cuyamaca Photo Contest
Rules and Procedures
This Year's Theme: Fun at the Lake
Photos should be of any aspect of life at Lake Cuyamaca - camping, fishing, picnicking, hiking, cooking on the grill, dining at the Pub, boating, scenery, wildlife, etc. Creative photos of people enjoying the activities that Lake Cuyamaca has to offer are encouraged.
* Photos must be taken at Lake Cuyamaca.
* Photos must be submitted by 11:59 PM, May 31, 2023.
* Photos cannot contain watermarks or copyright marks.
* Photos must be in JPEG format, in high resolution and with a preferred minimum of 1,200 pixels on the longest side.
* Limit of five photo submissions per photographer.
* Photos can be edited for minor adjustments but must retain a natural and realistic appearance.
* Photos and all usage rights become the property of Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District.
* Employees of Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District or The Pub at Lake Cuyamaca and their families are welcome to participate but are not eligible to win.
How to Enter:
1) Submit photos by email to
Include in the email the name of photographer, date taken, and the names of any identifiable people in the photo.
2) For each photo entered, submit a completed entry form. Entry Forms can be found here.
3) If any identifiable people are in the photo, a Photo Release Form must be submitted for each identifiable person.
Judging will be performed by a panel of Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District staff. Judging will be based on the contest's theme, as well as on technical quality, visual attractiveness, and creativity/originality.
1st Prize: Two night stay in a Lakeview cabin
2nd Prize: Two night stay in Rainbow Condo or Raccoon Condo
3rd Prize: Two night stay in Angler’s Retreat cabin
4th Prize: Two night stay in a Sleeping Cabin
5th Prize: The Pub at Lake Cuyamaca gift card for $50.-