Recreation and Park District
Board Meetings
Board meetings are normally held on the 4th Tuesday of each month
at 10:00 AM.
Location: The Ole Firehouse at 34560 Engineers Road, Julian, CA.
The next Lake Cuyamaca Board Meeting will be held on
Tuesday, January 23rd at 10:00 AM
at the Ole Firehouse at 34560 Engineers Road, Julian, CA.
Minutes from Former Board Meetings
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 - 9:30 am
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District
LOCATION: The Ole Cuyamaca Firehouse
34560 Engineer Road
Julian, CA 92036
1. Minutes - Approval of the minutes from Nov. 19, 2022
2. Paid bills - Nov. 2022, Dec 2022, Jan 2023.
3. Review Financial statements for Nov 2022, dec 2022 and Jan 2023.
The El Cajon well was started up on Jan 4, 2023. As of Feb 28, 2023, the well has pumped 80.42 AF which is 17.4%. End of pumping should be 11/1/2023.
4. Correspondence
5. Report from Manager - emailed to board.
6. Old Business
* Solar for properties - Steve Vandewalle update - Larry Fletcher, El Cajon Well 2400 sq ft less some skylights.
* Ethics training can be done online for the Board members. Completed.
* Sexual harassment training needs to be completed by two employees.
8 Lakeview internet - a reservation for Starlink has been made for internet service to the Lakeview site. No new information yet.
*Fletcher Family Foundation and San Diego Foundation determined that we were formed legislatively - application has been accepted - we will know by May.
* Storm damage and clean-up. Completing paperwork for clain.
* New pontoon boat needs a prop saver and a cover before renting.
7. New Business
* Brown Act Compliance Manual
* Worker's Comp situation - from September and November ongoing
* EV Chargers and pedestals
* Reconciliation with Helix
* OLGA Grant - Boat Launching Facility Resolution 159
* Per Capita Grant - Resolution 158
* Josh Steeber - Site-Logic- CSDA
* Back Country Hospitality - Presentation
* Chris Cornette - Presentation
Saturday, January 24, 2023 – 10:00 AM at the Firehouse
(This meeting was postponed due to insufficient number of available Board members.)
November 19, 2022– 10:00 A.M.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District
LOCATION: District Office
15027 Highway 79
Julian, CA 92036
David Hilfiker, President
George Merz, Vice-President
Tom King, Treasurer
Steve Vandewalle, Secretary
Butch Paddock, General Manager
Ann Stone, Office Admin
Gabrelle Coburn -Guest
Patricia Yan Natta – Guest
Emkat Earls- Guest
(All of the guests were here in support of the Santa Isabel tribe of the Kumeyaay Indians.)
Approval of the October 24, 2022 minutes. After discussion of the minutes, M/S(King/Merz) to approve the minutes as presented.
Tom King, Approve George Merz, Approve Steve Vandewalle, Approve
Paid Bills: After discussion, motion to approve the October 2022 paid bill lists.
M/S (King/Merz)
Tom King, Approve George Merz, Approve Steve Vandewalle, Approve
Financial Statement: The financial statement of October 2022 was presented. After discussion a motion to approve the financial statement of October 2022 M/S (Merz/King)
Geroge Merz, Approve Tom King, Approve Steve Vandewalle, Approve
El Cajon Well: The El Cajon well was started up on January 20, 2022. As of November 16, 2022 the well has pumped 427.21 AF, which is 85.4 %. End of pumping is January 4, 2023.
CORRESPONDENCE: Thank you note from George Merz
REPORT OF MANAGER: e-mailed to board
*Solar for property –Vandewalle.
*Lakeview internet- Still need to have Lakeview done. Broadband needs to extend.
*Playground Equipment-Installed and is being used. Paperwork sent to county to close out the grant. Some cracks in base material. Playground Boss aware. Will come out when the weather gets warm to repair.
*Sexual Harassment training: We only have one employee that needs to have the training.
*Working on setting up account with State of California for retirement account.
*Ordered a new pontoon boat from Bass Buggy. Delivery to be in January.
*Capri Cycle XVIII is set for November 14th. Kirk Andre – done
*Storm damage to Lake property – keeping invoices for work done to be sent to Capri for reimbursement.
*Roof on the Gazebo and the Restrooms at Chambers Park were damaged in the storm.
Would like to change the roofs from asphalt shingles to metal roofs to match the other buildings. Roof on Chambers restrooms has been repaired. Metal roof will be installed after February 1, 2023.
Christmas party for the Water Board and the Lake Board will be December 14th in the restaurant.
Closed Session – Yes
October 24, 2022 - 10:00 am
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District
LOCATION: The Ole Cuyamaca Firehouse
34560 Engineer Road
Julian, CA 92036
Directors Present:
David Hilfiker, president
George Merz, Vice President
Tom King, Treasurer
Eric Otto, Director
Directors Absent:
Steve Vandewalle, Secretary
Others Present:
Butch Paddock, General Manager
Ann Stone, Office Administrator
Kelly Riccio, Quickbooks Advisor
Joan Brown, Guest
Emily Burgueno, Guest
Hans Hodges, Guest
Ariel Robinson, Guest
Gabrielle Coburn, Guest
Patricia Van Natta, Guest
Sam Brosted, Guest
Emkat Earls, Guest
All guests except Joan Brown were here in support of the Santa Ysabel tribe of the Kumeyaay Indians.
Approval of the September 26, 2022 minutes. After discussion of the minutes, M/S (King/Otto) to approve the minutes as presented.
Eric Otto, Approve Tom King, Approve George Merz, Approve
Financial Report
Paid Bills: After discussion, motion to approve the September 2022 paid bills lists.
M/S (King/Merz)
Eric Otto, Approve Tom King, Approve George Merz, Approve
Financial Statement: The financial statement of September, 2022 was presented. After discussion a motion to approve the financial statement of September 2022 M/S (Otto/Merz)
Eric Otto, Approve Tom King, Approve George Merz, Approve
El Cajon Well: The El Cajon Well was started up on January 20, 2022. As of September 17, 2022 the well has pumped 342.83AF, which is 68.6%. End of pumping is January 1, 2023.
Correspondence: None
Report of Manger: Emailed to Board
Old Business
* Solar for property - Vandewalle
* Lakeview internet - Still need to have Lakeview done. More of a problem. Need an extender from SD Broadband from West Shore.
* Camera for the deck has been installed and is up and running.
* Playground Equipment - installed and is being used.
* Sexual Harassment Training: We only have one employee that needs to have the training.
* Tom King and Dave Hifiker have completed the ethics training on-line and received their certificates.
* Working on setting up account with State of California for retirement account.
* Ordered a new pontoon boat from Bass Buggy. Delivery has not been determined.
* Fire Station safe zone completed.
* Revised by-laws have been completed. Signed and in file.
* Capri Cycle XVIII is set for November 14. Kirk Andre
* Storm damage to Lake property - keeping invoices for work done to be sent to Capri for reimbursement.
New Business
* Roof on the Gazebo and the Restrooms at Chambers Park were damaged in the storm. Would like to change the roofs from asphalt shingles to metal roofs to match the other buildings. Roof on Chambers restrooms has been repaired.
Closed Session - No
September 26, 2022– 10:00 A.M.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District
LOCATION: The Ole Cuyamaca Firehouse
34560 Engineer Road
Julian, CA 92036
David Hilfiker, President
Tom King, Treasurer
Eric Otto-Director
Steve Vandewalle, Secretary
George Merz, Vice-President
Butch Paddock, General Manager
Ann Stone, Office Administrator
Kelly Riccio-Quickbooks Advisor
Joan Brown – Guest
Sam Brosted, Guest in support of the Santa Ysabel tribe of the Kumeyaay Indians.
Emkat Earls, Guest in support of the Santa Ysabel tribe of the Kumeyaay Indians.
Toni Harter, Guest in support of the Kumeyaay Indians.
Approval of the August 29, 2022 minutes. After discussion of the minutes. M/S(King/Otto) to approve the minutes as presented.
Eric Otto, Approve Tom King, Approve
Paid Bills: After discussion, motion to approve the August 2022 paid bill lists.
M/S (King/Otto)
Eric Otto, Approve
Tom King, Approve
Financial Statement: The financial statement of August 2022 was presented. After discussion a motion to approve the financial statement of July 2022 M/S (Otto/King)
Eric Otto, Approve
Tom King, Approve
El Cajon Well: The El Cajon well was started up on January 20, 2022. As of September 17, 2022 the well has pumped 342.83AF, which is 68.6 %. End of pumping is January 1, 2023.
REPORT OF MANAGER: e-mailed to board
*Solar for property –Vandewalle.
*Lakeview internet- Still need to have Lakeview done. More of a problem. Need an extender from SD Broadband from the West Shore.
*Camera for the deck. Camera has been ordered. $15.00 per month cost after install.
*Playground Equipment-Set up scheduled to start September 26. Will take a week.
*Sexual Harassment training: We only have one employee that needs to have the training. *Tom King and David Hilfiker have completed the ethics training on-line and received their certificates.
*Working on setting up account with State of California for retirement account.
*Ordered a new pontoon boat from Bass Buggy. Delivery should be in October.
*Derby for 2022 was a huge success. The boat giveaway drew lots of attention and ticket sales.
* Butch did a treatment to the Lake before the Derby to get rid of some of the weeds.
*Fire Station safe zone – completed
*Resolution #156 for approval of the revised by-laws. Move to October
*Capri Cycle XV111 Visitation – set for November 14 -Kirk Andre – CAPRI
*Storm damage to Lake Property – trees damaged, roof damage to Chambers bathroom,
roof damage to Gazebo, lots of limbs broken and needed to be cleaned out of the trees.
Closed Session – No